Sunday, March 04, 2007

On Rave Party

It is my usual habit in the morningto open the door grab the newspaper, as soon as I get up and just browse through it.... I was really startled by a news that made headlines today about a certain rave party near pune where police raided and arrested 280 youths... I was not surprised at the careless manner in which the people were enjoying, but I was surprised by a trivial yes trivial offense like this making headlines......

There is usual ruccous - Blah Blah.. etc.

What I don't really understand is having a rave party is wrong, but having bhang on mahashivratri is not wrong. Dancing in front of ganesh idol during immersion procession (where admittedly most of the people who are dancing are drunk.) is not wrong or obstructing traffic for a Goddess procession is not wrong.. I think this is sheer double standards...

Carrying and seeling drungs is illegal offence in India and the people should nie MUST be punished for that and that should be end of story. This is certainly not worth making headlines... there are thousands of criminal offenses happening in our city everyday do they make major headlines?

Atleast, these people where minding their own business away from the city, so their offence to society was marginal compared to the offenses mentioned above.

What I would like to see is one of those who were partying to stand up, show the guts and say "Yes we were partying in a manner we liked and while doing that we ignored the law of the land and we deserve punishment for that and that alone...." But a lot of these people were ashamed to show their faces? Are you ashamed of your way of enjoying? Then you have no moral right to "enjoy" in the manner you were....

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